This morning, St Paul’s CofE Primary School children and staff joined Father John and parents for our Christingle Service.
A Christingle is a Christian symbol and celebration that represents the birth of Jesus and the light he brought to the world. It’s made from an orange decorated with a candle, dried fruit, and a red ribbon. The children made some beautiful Christingles as you can see in the gallery below. We enjoyed Bible readings from our Faith Team, songs from the whole school, and of course, a beautiful song by the Saint Paul’s Primary School Choir.
If you were unable to join us for the service this morning, don’t worry. We have made a full recording of this special service for you to enjoy here. Just click on the play button above to view. We would like to take a moment to offer special thanks to Father John for offering such a wonderful service in our Beautiful church.
Please click on the thumbnails below for a larger view.