The St Paul’s CofE Primary Curriculum
Here at St Paul’s C of E Primary school we are committed to providing the very best curriculum for our children. As a result of this commitment we have spent the 2019/2020 academic developing our full curriculum to meet the needs of our children here in Walworth.
Core subjects of Reading, Writing, Phonics (in KS1) and Math’s are taught in daily timetabled slots across all Year 1-6 classes. The school uses text rich Literacy Tree and Literacy Leaves schemes for English and the White Rose Maths scheme to develop strong mathematicians. We follow the Read, Write Inc Program for our phonics sessions. We have a bright and inviting library that all the class use at least once a week for their Reading for Pleasure slot. Reading for pleasure is important to us as a school as we feel it feeds into so many other areas.
As a church school we teach Religious Education weekly and as a discrete subject. We follow the Southwark Diocese Syllabus for Religious Education. We also have a daily whole school collective worship where our vision and values are shared and discussed alongside relevant scripture and festivals from Christianity and other faith’s.
For our non-core subjects, we have taken a strands approach so we can ensure that the learning and progression is as linked as it can be for our children. We want all of our children regardless of gender or ethnicity to do as well as they can. This is the area of our curriculum that is regularly reviewed to maximise the learning and engagement for our children.
Our strands are:
Science and Technology. This strand encompassed Science, Computing and Design Technology aspects of the National Curriculum. Where a topic fits these 3 subjects will be taught in a cross curricular way. Some lessons maybe taught discretely where needed. We have just started to use the Cocoon Computing Program and keeping children safe particularly to do with e-safety and online is at the heart of our teaching.
Capital and Culture. This strand includes the learning objectives from History, Geography, Music, Art and Spanish (for KS2 classes). The aim of this area is to learn about the wider world in creative and engaging ways. We have a dedicated room for Art lessons and Music lessons and try to have as many performances and art exhibitions to celebrate the children’s work.
Health and Well-Being. The strand includes Physical Education, Philosophy for Children (P4C), PSHE and SRE learning. This strand is a crucial part of our children developing the skills they need to have to be valuable members of our local and the wider community. Children have two sessions of PE as week and the Year 3 class going swimming once a week for the whole year. The two PE lessons a week consist of an indoor lesson that focuses on gymnastics and dance and an outdoor session that focuses on outdoor games and other key skills.
Each class from Year 1-6 has one afternoon as a minimum of each strand. The EYFS follows these strands and covers all the areas of learning for their phase.
Please see the overviews as they are developed on our website.