School Admissions
St. Paul’s Church of England Primary School is committed to serving the needs of the local community. St. Paul’s has a distinctive Christian ethos which is at the heart of this School and provides an inclusive, caring and supportive environment where children learn and flourish in a setting shaped by Christian values.
We encourage and welcome visits to our school if you are considering us as the school for your child. Please contact us to make an appointment.
T: 020 7703 4896
Admission Consultation for 2026-27:
To all admission authorities and local schools,
In accordance with the School Admissions (Admission Arrangements and Co-ordination of Admission Arrangements) (England) Regulations 2012, St Paul’s C of E Primary School is consulting on the admission arrangements for the academic year 2026-27. This consultation lasts for 6 weeks and begins on 19th December and will run until 31st January 2025. Please find our draft admissions policy and supplementary form attached to this email.
Please click on the links below.
- DRAFT Admissions 2026-27 St Paul’s C of E Primary School
- SPPS-Supplementary-Information-Form-2026-27
Proposed Changes:
- Reducing our pan from 45 to 30
We invite you to review the attached documents and share any feedback you may have. Please also contact us for further discussion or clarification. The address we can be contacted at is
Your participation in this consultation is invaluable, and we look forward to your input to ensure the best outcomes for our school community.
Applications Information:
If your child was born between 1 September 2020 and 31 August 2021, your child is due to start primary school in September 2025. Our school admissions team will provide for the admission of children into the reception year group in the September following their fourth birthday. However, a child isn’t required to start school until they’ve reached compulsory school age.
The compulsory school age is set out in section 8 of the Education Act 1996 and The Education (Start of Compulsory School Age) Order 1998. A child reaches compulsory school age on the prescribed day following his/her fifth birthday (or on his/her fifth birthday if it falls on a prescribed day).
The prescribed days are:
- 31 December
- 31 March
- 31 August
- For more information on admissions, CLICK HERE.
- To apply online, CLICK HERE.
- For information and guidance regarding online applications, CLICK HERE.
- To view our admissions policy, visit our policies page.
Supplementary form:
Please note that in order to complete your application, you will need to fill out a supplementary form, which can be obtained via the link below. If you have any questions, or require assistance completing any of these forms, please visit the office and our staff will be happy to help you.
- To download the supplementary form, please CLICK HERE
The school will consider late applicants in accordance with the procedure in the Southwark Admissions Booklet. This means that late applicants will be considered after those who have met the deadline.
Admission to Nursery
From the age of 3 all children are entitled to 15 hours of free Early Years education per week during term time. At St Paul’s CofE Primary School we have 15 morning places, 15 afternoon places and 10 full time places in each of our two nursery classes. We aim to ensure that all sections of our community have access to our Early Years provision through open, fair and clearly communicated procedures.
Children are eligible for admittance to nursery in the term following their 3rd birthday. Applications are made by completing an application form available from the school office. Applications must be received by June 1st for admittance in September of that year. Parents will be notified about the allocation of places by June 20th.
If the nursery is oversubscribed the following criteria will be used to allocate places:
- Children in the care of the local authority (Looked After children) or who have previously been in Local Authority care.
- Children with siblings already attending the school, who will still be on role at the date of admission of the new pupil (Siblings refers to other children living in the family unit at the same address). This includes children who have a sibling who has been allocated a reception place, even if they have not yet started school.
- Children with exceptional medical, educational or social needs, where it is agreed by the Local Authority and the school that these can be best met at Bessemer Grange, supported by current written evidence from an appropriate professional.
- Children for whom St Paul’s CofE Primary School is the closest nursery setting (measured as the crow flies from the main school gate).
10 of the full time places in the nursery will be allocated by the school to children identified as having particular need of full time provision. The other 10 are privately funded places and will be allocated following the over-subscription criteria. If more than 10 children meeting the same criteria apply then those whose applications are received first will be allocated a place.
Children who are not allocated a place in the nursery will be placed on a reserve list and may receive a place if one becomes available during the school year.
Applications Information:
We welcome applications from all members of the community and we ask all parents to respect the Christian ethos of our school and its importance to our community. When offering places at the school, priority will be given to parent/carers that have church affiliation.
- For a Nursery Supplementary form, please CLICK HERE
Apply for 30 hours free childcare:
There’s one application for 30 hours free childcare and Tax-Free Childcare. As part of your application, you will find out if you can get both. If you’re eligible you’ll get a childcare account and a code for 30 hours free childcare.
To apply online, CLICK HERE.
If your child has not been offered a place and you wish to appeal against that decision your appeal must be lodged with the Southwark Schools Appeals Service (timetable to be confirmed). In the first instance you should notify the school office who in turn will notify the Southwark Schools Appeals Service. Details of our 2020 Appeals Timetable and Procedures will follow in due course.
View our Admissions Policy
For more information, please download our complete admissions policy via the link below.
To view our admissions policy, visit our policies page.