Health and Welfare
Parents/carers of children who have an accident or become unwell will be contacted by the school. For this reason the school office must have up to date contact details of each parent/carer.
Parents/carers are expected to inform the school by letter, telephone or e mail if a child is absent, giving the reason and the expected date of return.
Children who are taking a course of medicine should remain at home until they have recovered. School staff will not administer such medicines. Asthma pumps and other long term medicines will be administered at school under strict arrangements between parents/carers and staff.
Children are not expected to be away on holiday during term time as this disrupts the continuity of their learning. Parents/carers wishing to take children away in special circumstances should meet with the Home School Liaison Officer before making arrangements.
Child Protection
The school has a duty of care to all our children. If abuse of any kind is suspected, a referral will be made to social services. Parents will be informed unless this would put the child at risk. Social services and other local agencies can provide strong support for parents/carers and families. Any parent in difficulty can speak in confidence to the office or the headteacher for advice if they wish.
Welcoming arrangements
Those children who arrive in the Foundation Stage at the start of term will be invited to an induction day. Parents/carers will be invited to information sessions.
Children who arrive mid term will be allocated a ‘buddy’, who will support them until they get used to the building and the routines of the school. Support staff and teachers will take special care of any new arrivals.
Parents/carers of those children who arrive at school from another country will be invited to a meeting in order to ensure that their child receives appropriate support with language and other cultural issues.