Useful Learning Websites
Please click on the links below for more.
Please click on the links below for more.
Mindfulness Sessions at Grange. Please click on the icon or link below for more.
Advice on how to start the conversation and get support if you’re worried. Please click on the icon or link below for more.
GoNoodle helps teachers and parents get kids moving with short interactive activities. Click below to view.
Daily lessons in Maths and English for every year group, as well as regular lessons in Science, History, Geography and more..
Welcome to the online classroom. Here you can access all of Oak National Academy’s lessons.
Makes learning to read interesting and engaging for kids, with great online reading games and activities.
Phonics Bug is a pretty special Phonics programme that gives children a firm, fun foundation in phonics. Click below to get started.
Mathletics is designed to support teachers and parents to deliver lessons in their own time and way.
Purple Mash hosts an exciting mash-up of curriculum focused activities, creative tools, programs and games.
Help children learn through play with Busy Things. We have fun educational games for kids aged 3–11 on a huge range of subjects.
Chess in Schools and Communities (CSC) is delighted to offer schools and parents a range of resources suitable for Home Learning.
The Big List of Children’s Authors Doing Online Read Alouds & Activities. Click on the icon above or the link below to access this content.
Espresso can quickly introduce and bring tricky maths concepts to life for your pupils.
Joe Wicks from Body Coach TV has started a daily P.E. streaming video. This takes place every morning from 9am.
Mathsframe has more than 200 interactive maths games and 300 maths worksheets and assessments.
You can now access Numbots at home for FREE for some amazing fun maths games for all years. Maths and robots! What a great combination!
Here you can login to Times Table Rockstars and get rocking with some great maths activities! You should know your username and password.
Real world geography for kids – original resources and a community of ClassPals for primary/K6 children.
Animated Educational Site for Kids – Science, Social Studies, English, Math, Arts & Music, Health, & Technology.
Some really good free online links to amazing websites for learning including Scholastic, National Geographic and much more.
Now offering a free premium service for educators, parents and children to use while schools are closed- enter the code UKTWINKLHELPS.
Maths and reading home learning packages for schools and parents to use during school closures.
Provide your email address to be sent free activities and resources to support with home learning.
Please click on the links below for more information.
Chess in Schools and Communities (CSC) is delighted to offer schools and parents a range of resources suitable for Home Learning.
Especially good for maths and computing for all ages but other subjects at Secondary level. Note this uses the U.S. grade system but it’s mostly common material.
This site is old and no longer updated and yet there’s so much still available, from language learning to BBC Bitesize for revision. No TV licence required except for content on BBC iPlayer.
Free taster courses aimed at those considering Open University but everyone can access it. Adult level, but some e.g. nature and environment courses could well be of interest to young people.
Learn computer programming skills – fun and free.
Creative computer programming
All sorts of engaging educational videos
Activities and quizzes for younger kids.
Learn languages for free. Web or app.
Free science lessons
Wide range of cool educational videos
You Tube videos on many subjects
As above for a younger audience
Science awards you can complete from home.
Digital enterprise award scheme you can complete online.
Free challenge packs and other downloads. Many activities can be completed indoors. Badges cost but are optional.
All kinds of making.
Is in U.S. grades, but good for UK Primary age.
Listening activities for the younger ones.
A lot of these can be done in a garden, or if you can get to a remote forest location!
Resources for English language learning
Lots of free resources for Primary age
Aimed at Secondary age. Multi disciplinary activities.
If you have a stamp and a nearby post box.
Good, free art activities
Easy arts and crafts for little ones
Geography gaming!
Creative art and craft activities for the very youngest.
Educational online games
Activities and quizzes
This is more for printouts, and usually at a fee, but they are offering a month of free access to parents in the event of school closures.