This term, Willow class have been learning about the Ancient Greeks and we have now completed our Greek vases! In our previous art lessons, we investigated how the ancient Greeks used pottery to tell stories and depict different scenes from their lives, We looked at the different shapes, patterns and tones used in the pottery to design our own Ancient Greek vase and recorded our observations in our sketchbooks.
We used our drawing skills to draw a symmetrical vase, adding patterns and geometrical shapes with black markers. We then added figures and animals of our choice. Today, we added colour, mixing the appropriate terracotta tones for Greek pottery and then adding a colour wash to our vase. We experimented with the water colours in our sketchbooks first, creating tonal scales and experimenting with mark making, using a variety of brush sizes. We found that the atomy of the brush can affect the marks a brush can make.
Look at our fantastic final outcomes, we are extremely proud of them!