Willow class have been learning about the Indus Valley civilization all term. The area of this civilization extended along the Indus River from what today is northeast Afghanistan, into Pakistan and northwest India. India is one of the oldest civilizations in the world and the children explored the traditional block printing technique, which has been used since the 12th century to create bold and vibrant patterns.
During their earlier art lessons, the children made their own block print using a design they had created. They chose a design based on Indus writing, Indian patterns, or a mixture of the two. Today, they printed their designs onto paper and fabric and tried to recreate the bold, vibrant prints of the Indian culture.
The children painted the colours of their choice onto the string and used rollers to press down firmly. They were careful not to use too much paint and thought about the best method to create their desired pattern.
What wonderful patterns and prints Willow class!