It’s been a very busy start to the new term in Ash class this week as you will see from the pictures in the gallery below. The pictures show some active learning that has been happening this week.
These activities include:
- Literacy – we went on a dragon hunt around school to help us with using ‘prepositions’.
- RE – we dipped apple into honey and made new years wishes when learning about the Jewish festival of Rosh Hashanah.
- RE – we worked in pairs to make ‘menorah’ candles which are lit during the Jewish festival of Hanukkah.
Please click on the thumbnails below for a larger view.
Rosh Hashanah
We dipped slices of apple in honey and made our wishes for the new year, in hope that they will be sweet.
We worked in pairs to create our own ‘Menorah’ candles that Jewish people light each night during the 8 days of Hanukkah.
LI: To engage with the theme of a story (dragons)
Today we read the first page of our new text ‘The Dragon Machine’. In the story, George had been seeing dragons everywhere and when we looked closely – so could we! We went on a dragon hunt around school looking for Dragon tails. We practiced orally forming sentences using prepositions to describe where we found them. These are displayed on our working wall so that we can use them next lesson: